Design for Health & Wellbeing Lab

A hospital design studio

The Design for Health and Wellbeing (DHW) Lab was an award-winning design studio located in the heart of Auckland City Hospital between 2014 and 2018. It used a human-centred design approach to improve healthcare experiences for patients, families, and staff. The DHW Lab was a collaboration between Auckland University of Technology and the Auckland District Health Board.

My Role

During my time as a design researcher at the DHW Lab, I worked on a range of healthcare design and innovation projects. A primary focus of my work was to ensure that design projects were well-supported by rigorous qualitative research to enable evidence-based decision-making.

Another aspect of my role was contributing to the strategic direction of the DHW Lab. I participated in shaping the implementation of design in healthcare by engaging in strategic sessions and facilitating cross-disciplinary workshops to explore how human-centred design principles might be better incorporated into healthcare settings.

My research and observations at the DHW Lab also resulted in several widely-cited academic articles on collaborative practices at the intersection of design and health.

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Grey Matters